(I)Scope of Cover:
This insurance is classified into the following three Conditions- Free FromParticular Average
(F. P. A. ), With Average
(W. A. ) and All Risks. Where thegoods insured hereunder sustain loss or damage, the Company shall undertake toindemnify therefor according to the insured Condition specified in the Policyand the Provisions of these Clauses :
1. Free From Particular Average
(F. P. A. ).This insurance covers :
1)Total or Constructive Total Loss of the whole consignment hereby insuredcaused in the course of transit by natural calamities:heavy weather, lightning,tsunami, earthquake and flood. In case a constructive total loss is claimed for,the Insured shall abandon to the Company the damaged goods and all his rightsand title pertaining thereto. The goods on each lighter to or from the seagoingvessel shall be deemed a separate risk. Constructive Total Loss refers to theloss where an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable or the cost to beincurred in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwardingcost to the destination named in the Policy would exceed their value on arrival.
2)Total or Partial Loss caused by accidents the carrying conveyance beinggrounded, stranded, sunk or in collision with floating ice or other objects asfire or explosion .
3)Partial loss of the insured goods attributable to heavy weather, lightningandor tsunami, where the conveyance has been grounded, stranded, sunk or burnt.irrespective of whether the event or events took place or after such accidents.
4)Partial of total loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages intosea during loading, transshipment or discharge.
5)Reasonable cost incurred by the insured on salvaging the goods or averting orminimizing a loss recoverable under the Policy, provided that such cost shallnot exceed the sum insured of the consignment so saved.
6)Losses attributable to discharge of the insured goods at a pert of distressfollowing a sea peril as well as special charges arising from loading,warehousing and forwarding of the goods at an intermediate port of call orrefuge.
7)Sacrifice in and Contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges.
8)Such proportion of losses sustained by the shipowners as is to be reimbursedby the Cargo Owner under the Contract of Affreightment Both to Blame Collisionclause.
2. With Average(W. A. ). Aside from the risks covered under F. P. A. conditionas above, this insurance also covers partial losses of the insured goods causedby heavy weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake andor flood.
3. All Risks. Aside from the risks covered under the F. P. A. and W. A.conditions as above, this insurance also cover all risks of loss of or damage tothe insured goods whether partial or total, arising from external causes in thecause of transit.
This insurance does not cover :
1. Loss or damage caused by the intentional act or fault of the insured.
2. Loss or damage falling under the liability of the consignor.
3. Loss or damage arising from the inferior quality or shortage of the insuredgoods prior to the attachment of this insurance.
4. Loss or damage arising from normal loss, inherent vice or nature of theinsured goods, loss of market andor delay in transit and any expenses arisingthere from.
5. Risks and liabilities covered and excluded by the ocean marine
(cargo) warrisks clauses and strike, riot and civil commotion clauses of this Company.
(III)Commencement to Termination of cover:
1. Warehouse to warehouses Clause :
This insurance attaches from the time the goods hereby insured leave theware-house or place of storage named in the Policy for the commencement of thetransit and continues in force in the ordinary course of transit including sea,land and inland waterway transits and transit in lighter until the insured goodsare delivered to the consignee s final warehouse or place of storage at thedestination named in the Policy or to any other place used by the insured forallocation or distribution of the goods or for stories other than in theordinary course of transit. This insurance shall., however, be limited to sixty(60) days after completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoingvessel at the final port of discharge before they reach the above mentionedwarehouse or place of stories. If prior to the expire of the above mentionedsixty
( 60) days, the insured goods are to be forwarded to a destination otherthan that named in the Policy, this insurance shall terminate at thecommencement of such transit.
2. If, owing to delay, deviation, forced discharge, reshipment ortransshipment beyond the control of the insured or any change or termination ofthe voyage arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to the shipownersunder the contract of affreightment, the insured goods arrive at a port or placeother than that named in the Policy, Subject to immediate notice being given tothe Company by the insured and an additional premium being paid, if repaired,this insurance shall remain in force and shall terminate as hereunder :
1)If the insured goods are sold at port or place not named in the Policy, thisinsurance shall terminate on delivery of the goods sold, but in no event shallthis insurance extend beyond sixty
(60) days after completion of discharge ofthe insured goods from the carrying vessel at such port or place.
2)If the insured goods are to be forwarded to the final destination named in thePolicy or any other destination, this insurance shall terminate in accordancewith Section 1 above.
(IV)Duty of the insured:
It is the duty of the insured to attend to all matters as specified hereunder,failing which the company reserves the right to reject his claim for any loss ifand when such failure prejudice the rights of the Company :
1. The insured shall take delivery of the insured goods in good time upon theirarrival at the port of destination named in the Policy. In the event of anydamage to the goods, the insured shall immediately apply for survey to theSurvey andor settling assent stipulated in the Policy. If the insured goods arefound short in entire package or packages or to show apparent traces of damage,the insured shall obtain from the Carrier, bailed or other relevant authorities(Customs and Port Authorities etc. ) certificate of loss or damage andorsbortlanded memo. Should the carrier, bailed or the other relevant authoritiesbe responsible for such shortage, the insured shall lodge a claim with them inwriting and, if necessary, obtain their confirmation of an extension of themthe time limit of validity of such claim.
2. The insured shall, and the Company also, take reasonable measuresimmediately in salvaging the goods or preventing or minimizing a loss or damagethereto. The measures so taken by the insured or by the Company shall not beconsidered respectively, as a waiver of abandonment hereunder, or as anacceptance thereof.
3. In case of a change of voyage or any omission or error in the description ofthe interest, the name of the vessel or voyage, this insurance shall remain inforce only upon prompt notice to this Company when the insured becomes aware ofthe same and payment of an additional premium if required.
4. The following documents should accompany any claim hereunder made againstthis Company:
Original Policy, Bill of Lading. Invoice, Packing List, Tally Sheet, WeightMemo, Certificate of Loss or Damage andor Shorthand Memo, Survey Report,statement of Claim.
If any third party is involved, documents relative to pursuing of recovery fromsuch party should also be included.
5. Immediate notice should be given to the Company when the Cargo Owners actualresponsibility under the Contract of Affreightment n Both to Blame CollisionClause becomes known.
(V)The Time of Validity of A Claim :
The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a periodof two years counting from the time of completion of discharge of the insuredgoods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge. |